

Ongoing creative development workshop

Upstart is a professional development program hosted by the Alberta Motion Picture Industries Association, ACTRA Alberta, and Jonathan Joffe Pictures. The purpose of this ongoing workshop is to create a place for Alberta talent to master the basic creative skills of traditional filmmaking. Upstart brings Alberta Actors, Writers, and Directors together to perform scene studies, fostering ongoing, hands-on practice of the basic filmmaking skills of everyone involved. The program provides a safe environment in which Alberta film and television talent can practice, grow, and thrive.

Participants perform in two to four scene studies per session, which are shot and edited together for review at the following session. There is no lighting, costumes, locations, etc. just the participants and a simple video camera. The emphasis at Upstart is on the creative quality of the performance, not the technical quality capturing that performance. Finished scenes will not be broadcast or distributed, so both union and non-union participants are welcome. This workshop is approved by ACTRA.

For more information, go to: